streda 14. októbra 2015

Ako urobit z m2 znovu funkcne gps zariadenie!

Až, alebo pokiaľ, chcete po aktualizácii na android lollipop 5.1.1, svoju xperiu m2 využiť znovu ako plnohodnotnú navigáciu. Potrebujete k tomu nejaké externé bluetooth zariadenie. Na výber máte množstvo zariadení, napr. Evolve. Ak ste si ich ponechali. Či od Nokie. Alebo môžete použiť smartfón od iného výrobcu. Kde táto funkcia aspoň funguje a pripojiť ho cez modrý zub k Vašej xperii m2, ale potom načo Vám je vlastne xperia?

pondelok 5. októbra 2015

Android lollipop is .... O my god, dear google. WTF

When I saw a new update for my new smartphone Sony Xperia m2, I was so surprised. I was excited. :D

 But I made a bigger mistake of my life. I downloaded it a start install. I install a new update of android lollipop 5.1.1 from Sony corp. It takes a long time, but everything was good. And my device, my smart got a new android system. Yes! Yeah! Unfortunately I lost icons of some applications in device menu. But I saw two icons of photo aplication - Photos.

 It takes me a long time to manage aplications, install updates of every aplication, which I got installed in my device. Android kitkat 4.4.4 doesn´t support microSD card, there is a problem with third part applications using microSD cards. And the internal storrage is full. There is a few place for updates a uselessly fat applications, which got a lots of megabytes. Why dear #GOOGLE? It cost me a sea of time, but I did it! Every app was manually updated, and finally I see every icon of every installed app in device menu. Finally. I am satisfied!

 I start GPS aplications like is c:geo and Locus Pro, today. And android lollipop "... show must go on"! There is a no way to use this device like a navigation. My Sony Xperia m2 got a problem with gps signal! Is it possible? New smartphone is worst than a Samsung S2? I thought that nothing could be "worstest" than this Samsung! But it should be. Google with android would prove anything.

U can use microSD cards like a jewel, like an unusable thing! Now u got a brick, unusefull smartphone, just a papperweight. U can´t navigate, use your smartphone like a car navigation, use it to find a geocache ... Every few seconds U lost a gps signal. Terrible!

 I drive from Martin to Zilina, when I was almost in Zilina, I saw, that I was still in Vrutky? What the f**k? The same mistake I saw in LocusPro aplication. Four times lost a gps signal during a few minutes! Terrible!

 Where the google comunist make a mistake? Where they make a mistake? Every new version of android operating system is worst than old one. I know it! It is dejavu. I think that it is like windows in computers. Don´t u? What is your opinion? I got right? U got the same experiences? I think that yes.

 I am not a paranoic, but .... Google corp. made a cartel deal with Garmin, TomTom, Mio etc. corp.?


For more information click on: Poor gps signal
I see that I am not alone
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